We only work with SaaS clients, and only do SEO—here's why our clients choose us and over other agencies.

Choosing a marketing agency can be difficult. Everyone’s claiming they’re specialized in SaaS SEO – but in many cases, they’re just another jack-of-all-trades agency.

Here’s why our clients find Rock The Rankings to be a great fit and why we’re the best choice compared to the other traditional agencies you might be considering.

Trusted by growth-focused SaaS & Tech businesses

The traditional agency model is broken. Here's why clients work with us as their strategic marketing partner to help smash their growth goals.

Everyone says they're different - but is that truly the case?

Here's how we're different than other agencies and why we're able to consistently drive positive ROI for our SaaS clients:

We only do SEO. Nothing else.

Juggling multiple services is hard for an agency, and for that reason, most get subpar results.

Nearly every other ” specialized ” agency in SaaS works across multiple service lines, including SEO.

If you’ve worked with an agency before and it was a failure, it’s likely because it excels at only one thing—yet it’s trying to manage multiple service lines.

At Rock The Rankings, we only do SEO with a core focus on:

  • SEO-Focused Content Strategy
  • Content & Graphic Creation (where it’s a right fit – you should be working to hire a content writer and building a team in-house, not relying on agencies over the long term)
  • Advanced Technical SEO
  • Link Building


We’re not the right fit if you’re looking for an agency that can handle SEO and other channels.

We only do what we do best, so we have a 100% focus on leveraging SEO to build customer acquisition engines.

We only work with SaaS/Tech clients. No one else.

You know how nearly every SEO agency out there claims to work with SaaS businesses?

Sure, they might, but they also generally work with service-based businesses, such as B2C, eComm, and DTC, and the list goes on and on.

How can you be great at what you do if you’re not specialized and a jack-of-all-trades?

Rock The Rankings only works with SaaS companies with product-market fit and are ready to build a customer acquisition engine leveraging our expertise and framework.

We often hear that prospects are tired of telling an agency what to do and when to do it.

The reason why this happens is simple.

The agency doesn’t know what it’s doing because it doesn’t specialize in SaaS and likely hasn’t worked with hundreds of SaaS businesses over the past decade.

Here’s our approach – we only work with SaaS/Tech clients.

This has allowed us to develop the framework and playbooks to execute that get real results, scaling demos, trials, and revenue.

No junior account managers. Work 1-on-1 with our founder.

Have you ever witnessed the Agency Down Phenomenon?

You know, you went through the sales pitch, and everything seemed great, but once you signed up and kicked off, everything went downhill, and fast.

Where do things normally go wrong? Why does it always seem to be this way?

Junior account managers to cut costs and employee churn are big reasons why things generally aren’t so great after signing up with an agency.

And exactly for that reason – that is why the traditional agency model is broken.

You don’t want to spend tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, just to work with a junior account manager who has no vested interest in your success, do you?

At Rock The Rankings, you can expect that:

  • You’ll work one-on-one with our founder from start to finish.
  • We only work with a set number of clients each quarter.
  • Our average employee tenure is 3.9 years.


You want to work with and are paying for true expertise – and your partner should deliver on that promise.

We forecast and expectation set from the get go. No guess work.

For most agencies, the normal process from expressing interest to getting a proposal goes like this:

Book an intro call, request and proposal, and then on another 1-hour call reviewing the proposal – all while falling asleep as a sales rep reads through a non-customized, canned deck.

Your standard, polite response? “We’ll think about this, review internally with the team, and come back..”

❌ Hard pass.

There’s nothing worse than being sold to – let alone with a generic analysis and proposal.

Here’s how we consistently get stellar feedback from our proposal process:

  1. Listening—What are the prospect’s core pain and problems? Can we help solve them, or at least advise them on how to push themselves in the right direction towards success?
  2. Granularity—We can afford to get granular with our research and analysis because we’re not a churn-and-burn operation that juggles dozens of clients simultaneously. We look to build long-term relationships, and that’s reflected in the initial effort we put in.
  3. Forecasting—By getting granular, we can also properly conduct forecasting across different scenarios and speak to those depending on how fast we run with our efforts. This gives a clear path and idea of ROI vs. our efforts.


Sitting through boring proposal calls sucks – and finding a service provider that cares about your success seems to be becoming a rarity.

My suggestion while being on both sides of the coin?

Get a good feel for what you’re in for off the bat, and if the provider on the other side is going to put in the work, or not.

We track conversions and revenue. No fluff or vanity metrics.

“Traffic is going up and up!”

If that’s your monthly reporting, then it’s time to run.

Most agencies focus on tracking vanity metrics, such as organic sessions YoY, or keyword rankings.

Those are great to take a quick glance at – but we both know what really matters:

  • Demos/Trials
  • Revenue
  • Campaign ROI


We look at keyword position as a leading indicator in the early stages of our campaign and then move directly into real revenue metrics as soon as possible.

If your agency can’t prove that its actions have a direct impact on the bottom line and clearly illustrate that in its reporting, it’s likely time for a change.

We're not an agency. We're a strategic marketing partner.

We aim to build a fruitful, long-term relationship that consistently drives clear ROI.

You’ve probably already gathered from the above that we work with a small number of clients at a time, so getting killer results and not constantly churning clients matters to us.

We will drive out the strategy and execute it, and you won’t have to take the wheel.


We're an open book. We literally walk you step-by-step through our process and playbooks.

Ready to build your SEO customer acquisition engine?

Book a 1-on-1 intro call with our founder that includes a FREE custom marketing plan. Start growing faster, today.