392 signups added in 1-month.
Net new organic monthly visitors added
Conversion rate to signup
This particular client specifically engaged with RTR to help build out a programmatic initiative to grow organic traffic and signups.
The website itself was already driving a healthy number of product signups per month, with a solid domain authority to boot.
Our engagement consisted of solving the following challenges:
The solution we implemented was based on our own pSEO framework that we use and leverage for clients – more can be found below:
A summary of our pSEO framework and implementation:
Step 1: Seed Phrase Ideation
Step 2: Validating Your Seed Phrase
Step 3: Landing Page Template Creation
Step 4: Populate The Data
Step 5: Crawling & Indexing
Step 6: Refine
Overall, the results over 5 months have been impressive:
Book a 1-on-1 intro call with our founder that includes a FREE custom marketing plan. Start growing faster, today.
Book a 1-on-1 intro call with our founder that includes a FREE custom marketing plan. Start growing faster, today.